Our Beliefs

At gracespring, we have a place for you to belong and grow. We offer many groups and events for various ways for you to get to know other people and grow in your relationship with Christ. We also believe serving is very important, whether you serve at gracespring or in our community. Jesus was a servant and we strive to be more like Him, so we have many serve opportunities available to you!

If you would like to view our Statement of Faith, please click here.
If you would like to view our Constitution, please click here.

Steps to Membership

1. Read gracespring’s Statement of Faith

Our Statement of Faith is a summary of the doctrine that is held by this church. Before becoming a member we need to know if you are in agreement with our stated beliefs. If there is any part of our Statement of Faith that you struggle with, please talk with a pastor.

2. Complete Membership Application

The Membership Application helps us to get to know you better by learning about your prior church experience, ministry experience, and your testimony – as well as providing us with your contact information. Another part of this application is to read and sign the Individual Membership Covenant in which you acknowledge that you:

• have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by grace alone
• agree to serve with your talents and spiritual gifts
• commit to regular giving
• protect the unity of the Body by resolving conflict Biblically
• are a witness to your faith in a positive way

3. Meet for a Membership Interview

After you fill out your membership application, one of our Elders will contact you to setup a time to get to know you and answer any questions you might have about gracespring.

Start the process to be come a member at gracespring Bible Church!



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