Genesis - The Patriarchs: Abraham's descendants

We now transition into the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah, now 25 years after God’s initial call and purpose for them stated in Genesis 12:1-3. We bear witness to the miraculous birth of Isaac as this journey continues in Genesis 21. In this chapter and following, we will see how sibling rivalry will play out, not just in this household, but in Abraham’s descendants as well, the effects of which we see in the news now 4000 years later. At the root of this conflict between the descendants of Isaac (Jews) and the descendants of Ishmael (Arabs), is a spiritual conflict. We will see the narrative unfold through Genesis 35 with themes of trust, obedience, and God’s covenant promises. Jacob’s deception and eventual reconciliation with Esau reminds us of the very real complexities of family, faith, and relationships.

Our hope is that this portion of our journey inspires you to have an unwavering trust in God, even in difficult times, and encourages you to address the presence of any need for reconciliation and forgiveness in your relationships today. This is especially important in the day we live with so much division and polarization. As a family of faith, God’s Word commands us that we must always contend for unity (I Cor. 1:10), 'so far as it depends on you’ (Romans 12:18).


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