Genesis - The Patriarchs

We now enter a transitional part of the book of Genesis. While Genesis 1-11 focused on God’s perfect Creation devolving into chaos due to the introduction of sin into the world, and the repetitive downward spiral of humanity’s rebellion against God, Genesis 12 demonstrates God’s intervention to continue to fulfill His Genesis 3:15 promise of a coming Redeemer who would crush the head of the serpent.

Genesis 12:1-3 is the key that unlocks an understanding of the Scriptures. Genesis 12-50 provides us the story of the Patriarchs, the family that God has called to be the seed through which Messiah would come. In the weeks ahead, we will investigate the call of God on Abram (whose name would eventually be changed to Abraham), the ‘father of many nations’, along with his wife Sarah, a woman who had to be strong throughout the journey that God had for them. God will enter into a covenant with Abraham, promising to bless all the nations of the earth through his line, setting the foundation for God’s plan of salvation for all mankind. As we will see throughout this journey, Abraham’s family was far from perfect. Yet through their struggles we will see the grace and mercy of God, themes of faith and obedience, and the fulfillment of God’s promises even when it would look like the odds were stacked heavily against it.

Throughout this part of our journey, may we invite you, if you haven’t already, to respond to the calling that God has for your life? We must remember that Abraham was called to leave the comfort and security of what he had known to enter into something riskier and bigger than he could ever have imagined. We must remember that he and Sarah were ordinary people called by God to accomplish an extraordinary task fitted for them. Never forget that when a man or woman of God responds to His call and steps into His will, He will equip and guide them in accomplishing that purpose until He sees it finished.


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