Michelle Williams

gsKIDZ Ministry Assistant


269.629.9622 ext.

Fun Facts

I grew up on a small rural farm in New Jersey - I love animals, and driving tractors.

My mom was born in Paris; she's gifted me with a love of language and all things French.

I do not have a middle name!


David and I have been married for 32 years and are blessed with two wonderful kids, Lauren and Jason. In our LBK (life before kids) I used my degree in Business for about 9 years, managing 3 offices of Manpower in the U.P. We've lived as a family in Marquette, Rockford, and now Plainwell. I've been blessed to serve in ministry most of my adult life, and truly enjoy serving in any way I can. I was on staff at our church in Rockford for 12 years, the majority as director of Children's Ministry. David and I enjoy RVing, boating, flying, fishing, time at the family cottage, playing golf, and working on projects at home. I love to explore new places and try new things, especially food...and time together with family and friends makes me most happy!